Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Living Cheap is the New Green

By Chris Baskind in Living

If going green is making you go broke, you’re doing it wrong. Saving resources and saving money go hand in hand. Here’s how to get started.

Haute green couture. Eco mansions. Green gadgetry.

In retrospect, 2008 was probably the high water mark for green retail marketing. And good riddance: Overpriced luxury goods posing as green consumer products aren’t serving the environment or our budgets. Nor is the inevitable backlash from shoppers jaded by dicey environmental claims and premium pricing.

There’s nothing like an economic downturn to focus one’s priorities. For most people, the sharp reality of tougher times bumps posh items such as $5 chocolate bars and $1000 organic bedding sets right off the green radar. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. While we all have a responsibility to make wise purchase decisions, the idea that we can shop ourselves to a greener society is a lot like thinking we can lose weight by piling on the calories.

Green meets frugal

Economies are cyclical, and we suddenly find ourselves on the skinny side of an impressive — though ultimately unsustainable — period of growth. This has left even comparatively well-to-do families making difficult lifestyle decisions and looking for ways to stretch paychecks. With tougher times ahead, some have been quick to proclaim the bursting of a green bubble.

This is, of course, not the case. The economic downturn is simply forcing us to confront a basic fact: A greener world won’t come about through eco-getaways, environmentally friendly products, or clever marketing. It will come through reducing consumption.

Leaner is greener. While complex global issues won’t be solved entirely through personal action, the Recession means each of us has a pocketbook stake in the development of an economy which goes lighter on the planet’s limited natural resources and our household budgets.

Where to start?

If you’re reading this, you may be well down the line toward rethinking how you live, what you spend, and what you really want out of life. But if you’re just getting started, a good place to begin is with a family meeting — even if it’s just you, a notepad, and a cup of coffee.

We’ve outlined five areas for you to think about as your evaluate your priorities. So jump right in!

Cut back at home: Food and shelter probably represent the lion’s share of your budget and use of resources. They are also your most essential expenditures. Start with a basic question: Are you in too much home? There’s a direct relationship between your environmental footprint, monthly budget, and the square footage of your living space. The point is probably moot for homeowners struggling to make a mortgage with property values in the tank. But if you happen to be renting, could you do with less? Take a hard look at the money you spend on food. Like most people, you’re probably too dependent on eating out, and on the convenient prepared foods we buy at the grocery. Relearning the gentle art of meal planning and cooking at home is the fast track to saving money and healthier nutrition.

Reduce the amount of energy you use: Here’s more low fruit as you trim your monthly expenses. Our site is stuffed with energy saving ideas, and there’s plenty more available from your power company and other websites. The obvious things include eliminating unnecessary lighting (particularly outdoors); refitting with CFL bulbs; installing water-saving shower heads and giving your water heater the once-over; and sealing energy robbing leaks around doors and windows.

Trim your transportation: Thanks to the economic slowdown and reduced demand, gasoline prices have cooled-off sharply since last summer. They’re probably as low as they’ll go, and seasonal increases should start kicking in toward March. In the meantime, you can save a few dollars and reduce your overall footprint by leaving that car in the driveway whenever possible. If you’re not already familiar with your community’s public transportation, find a bus or train schedule and see how mass transit might fit into your weekly routine. Better yet, start walking or cycling your short errands. Bicycles are much cheaper to operate per mile than automobiles, and the health benefits of regular light exercise will save you money in the long term, too.

Ditch the disposables. The word disposable in a product description should be a red flag. Paper plates, plastic knives and forks, disposable pens, paper towels, throw-away food storage containers — opt for reusable items, instead. This will take some thought and discipline on your part, but giving up a little convenience can save hundreds of dollars a year. While you’re at it, try to buy in bulk (as storage allows) and reduce the amount of packaging in your waste stream. Now that reduced demand has kicked the bottom out of the recycling sector, you’ll also be doing your local sanitation department a favor.

Grow some food. During the Second World War, about 45 percent of all vegetables consumed at home came from victory gardens. It’s time to revive this practice. Not only will you save money, you’ll reduce the energy expended to bring food to the table. Obviously, not everyone is in a position to start a few rows of beans and tomatoes in the back yard. But consider at least growing your own herbs or a few small vines in pots and window boxes. Your community may also have a few shared urban gardens. The folks at local plant nurseries will know.

Talk, share, and communicate

Perhaps the best thing you can be doing is talking to others. We’ve spent decades becoming a society of isolated consumers, slowly forgetting the skills which got previous generations through tough times. Do you know how to sew? Teach someone else. Cooking from scratch — not just warming up something frozen from the store — has been lost on the microwave generation. If you need a refresher, locate a cooking class or start helping an old hand in the kitchen. Learn to fix things: Your local community college probably offers carpentry courses, and home improvement stores frequently host weekend classes on all kinds of useful skills.

Ask questions and share what you know with others. Together, we’ll get by. And we’ll help build greener and more sustainable communities for the future.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Publix Deals - August 9th

I have just gotten back from Publix where I cut my grocery bill almost in half.

Most of my $16.17 total was from the Publix "Buy Theirs Get Ours Free" specials. I bought Nabisco graham crackers, Planters cashew halves and pieces, and Nutri-Grain breakfast bars, and got Publix brand graham crackers, cashew halves and pieces, and breakfast bars for free. Even though I didn't have coupons for any of these items, it was the same as a BOGO so it was a great way to stock up on some snacks.

I got great deals on Yoplait yogurt, Luigi Italian ice, and a Publix frozen pizza. Yoplait yogurt is normally .70¢ a container, but it is on special right now at .50¢ a container. I had two coupons - one for .50¢ off six and a second for .40 off four. Since Publix doubles coupons for .50¢ or less, I got $1.80 off my $5.00 purchase reducing the cost of the yogurt by 55% to .32¢ a container. I even can't buy store brand yogurt that cheaply.

Luigi Italian Ice is a BOGO right now. The regular price is $2.99 each. Since I was buying two boxes I was able to use both of the coupons that I had. After Publix doubled the .50¢ coupons, I purchased both boxes of Italian Ice for .99¢ - that's an 84% discount!

The Publix frozen pizza is this weeks .01¢ mystery coupon. The pizza's are normally $4.69. I don't need to break out the calculator to figure out how much I saved on that one.

The items that I picked up from Publix today aren't sufficient in themselves to feed even one person for a week, much less two. But when combined with other food items that I have stockpiled from previous shopping trips as I have been able to purchase at rock bottom prices, I have enough groceries on hand to feed me and the roommate three nutritious meals a day plus snacks for nearly three weeks without needing to buy anything else. And at $76.33 in total food cost for two weeks, I have stayed below my $40 average weekly grocery goal. This also frees up my $40 a week for the next couple of weeks to stock up on some of the more expensive things like meat and produce.

How much are you spending on groceries? How much can you save by using some of my budget stretching strategies? Give it a try. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to make your food dollars go further.

89% Savings at CVS Today

I bought $56.43 in food and other items this morning for $6.12.That's a savings of more than 89%! And thanks to my CVS Extra Bucks I only paid $1.02 in cash out of my pocket.

I went to CVS specifically to purchase the Revlon ColorStay Mineral Mousse Makeup, a Bic Soleil razor, and a box of General Mills Fiber One cereal. The makeup is on special this week for $9.99 (reg. $13.99) with $9.99 back in Extra Bucks. I had a $1.00 off coupon from the July 19th Sunday paper which turned my net cost into a $1.00 profit. The razor is on special for $6.99 (reg. $7.99) with $3.00 back in Extra Bucks. My $3.00 off coupon from today's paper reduced my net cost to 99¢. The cereal is also on special this week for $2.50 a box, and I had a coupon for .75¢ off that I got from the internet. The other item that I was planning to buy was a Glade Fragrance Collection soy based candle. There is a coupon in today's paper to get one for free.

If I had stuck to my list and only purchased the four items I was there for, I would have only spent $1.74 for $30.16 in merchandise - a tremendous savings! But I didn't.

I know that this particular CVS always has clearance priced merchandise located in three different parts of the store, so I make a point of scouting out those areas for deals. Today I found one box of Carnation Instant Breakfast for $1.42 (reg. $5.69) and Flavour Ice.

The roommate loves popsicles and frozen novelties, and my youngest son is always rummaging through my refrigerator for a snack when he comes over. And I'm always looking for low-cal snacks. I don't mind keeping extra treats around the house for everyone, but I'm not going to sabatoge my grocery budget to do it. At 20 calories each, and just .15¢ a box (reg. $1.50), the Flavor Ice fits the bill. I bought 12 boxes.

My total for the 13 unplanned items? Three dollars and twenty-two cents!

I didn't get any kind of discounts on the two packs of Extra gum. I only bought them because I needed to spend about two more dollars in order to be able to pay for my purchases with a single Extra Buck coupon that was scheduled to expire soon. I could have bought some more Flavor Ice, or looked through the flier or store for another deal, but I can always use gum and it was a quick pick to meet my purchase requirement.

After I got home I realized that the better choice would have been the Extra gum 3-pk that is on sale for $2.00 - less than I paid for 2 packs. Additionally, if I spend $15 on select candies and gums (including the Extra 3-pk.), I get $5 back in Extra Bucks. Since the CVS candy specials usually run the entire month, and I frequently need to spend an extra dollar or two, it's quite possible that I could meet the purchase minimum before the special expired. I'll keep that in mind for next time.

Well, I'm off to Publix now. They have "Buy Theirs and Get Ours Free" deals as well as the 1¢ mystery coupon today. I'll try to blog my savings when I get home.

Free Food from Schwan's

America's largest home food delivery company is giving away food to the first 500,000 new customers*.

It is easy to get your $10 in free products! Go to the Schwan website and enter your zip code to see if you are in a participating area, choose your free food from any of the items that Schwan sells, provide Schwan with your delivery information, and then get your free food from the Schwan man the next time he delivers in your area.

The only catch is that you may or may not have to pay sales tax on your free food. That would be a grand total of 3¢ where I live. (Yes, you read that right - three cents!)

I ordered the Six Cheese Tortellini. The 2 lb. resealable bag serves 9, so I should be able to get a lot of meals out of it by adding some meat and/or vegetables.

And now the small print...
*No purchase necessary. Offer ends 9/30/09 and limited to the first 500,000 new residential/household customers (i.e., have not purchased any products from Schwan's Home Service, Inc. within the past 14 weeks) who are located in an existing route of Schwan's Home Service. Limited to one offer per residence/household and may not be combined with any other offer or promotion. Local and state sales taxes may apply. Other restrictions apply. For complete details, visit Void where taxed, limited, or restricted. For terms and conditions click here.