Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Triple Coupons at Bloom Stores

I have heard through the couponing network that the Bloom Stores in both Fort Mill and Charlotte, N. Carolina, be doubling coupons of $1.99 or less beginning today (Wed. 8/19). They will continue tripling manufacturer's coupons of .99¢ or less, up to 20 per transaction per day. You will need to use your Breeze card to get the triple value for manufacturer's coupons.

Some of the items that you will be able to pick up for free include:
  • Raid Ant and Roach Killer
  • Reach Floss, Listerine Mouthwash, Toothbrush Or Reach Flosser
  • Pert Plus For Men
  • Hot Shot Product
If you live somewhere other than Fort Mill and Charlotte, and have a Bloom Store in your area, ask if they will also be doubling the higher value coupons. Even if they don't, if they get enough requests for it, they might just start.

Unfortunately Food Lion, Blooms parent company, will not be running the same promotion.

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