Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Organic Food Coupons Do Exist

Contrary to popular belief organic food coupons do exist!

There are a lot of great resources for organic coupons if you look! Mambo Sprouts, Delicious Living, and Eat Better America are some of my favorite organic food coupon sites. Many organic food companies also post coupons right on their website, or will send coupons in their email newsletters.

Organic grocery stores often have their own coupons too, such as the Whole Deal book at Whole Foods. Some Whole Foods - but not all - will let you combine manufacturer and store coupons on the same item (call ahead to ask before going to the store). Sign up for store newsletters and mailing lists, and you just might be surprised at the great coupons they send out! One of our locally-owned organic stores mails out coupons for $10 off a $50 purchase, which other grocery stores in our area, including Whole Foods, will also take!

If you still can’t find any coupons for your favorite products, send an email to the company (include your mailing address). If it is a product you already enjoy, compliment them on it, and be specific on the reasons why you like it. If it’s a product you are interested in, say that you have heard about their product and you are interested in trying it, but you are on a budget and you are wondering if they have any coupons available. Above all, be courteous, and your efforts just might be rewarded!

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