Thursday, September 10, 2009

FREE Full Size Package of Huggies at CVS

Some CVS's have clearance priced at Huggies Little Swimmers clearanced off (they can be found in the Summer Clearance section). If you find these at your store, you can use a $1.50 Huggies coupon to get them free!


Anonymous said...

Thanks this will come in great use in my family.Stacey

The Practical One - Valerie said...

Glad to help! Maybe you can answer a question for me...

It's been awhile since I've had kids in diapers, so I was wondering if the Little Swimmers could be used like Pull-Ups?

Anonymous said...

If u take your child to any of the Charleston county water parks your child has to have them on while in the water.They dont absorb out side fluids like regular diapers do. But I went on the CVS in Knightsville and they dont have these on sale I'm gonna look in St George tomorrow to see if they have them on sale also.Stacey